Online Surveys About Sexual Assaults and Trauma

Please participate in our anonymous survey to allow us to gather data, which will be utilized for data analysis on our website. The survey includes questions about various types of trauma events. No information will be spread to third parties. The results will be analyzed and posted under "Results". If you have any questions, feel free to contact us!

PASTS Online Survey English Version

T.W. - Discussion on topics regarding sensitive matters, such as sexual assault, harassment, and further mentions. 


This survey is part of the research database for the NGO,  P.A.S.T.S,  which focuses on awareness of sexual trauma in men, women, and non-binary folk. The experiences could range from catcalling, to harassment, to child abuse, or more avid forms of assault. 


This survey is anonymous. All results will be collected and utilised in the research to provide further evidence of how prevalent sexual assault is, aiming at spreading awareness of its significance. 

Trigger warning - Discusión sobre temas sensibles, como agresión sexual, hostigamiento y otras menciones.

Esta encuesta forma parte de la base de datos de investigación de la ONG P.A.S.T.S., que se centra en la concienciación sobre el trauma sexual en hombres, mujeres y personas no binarias. Las experiencias pueden ir desde el acoso, el abuso infantil o formas más ávidas de agresión.

Esta encuesta es anónima. Todos los resultados se recogerán y utilizarán en la investigación para proporcionar más pruebas de la prevalencia de la agresión sexual, con el objetivo de difundir la conciencia de su importancia.

PASTS Online Survey Spanish Version

PASTS Online Survey Romanian Version

Avertisment declanșator: discuții pe teme sensibile, cum ar fi agresiunea sexuală, hărțuirea și mențiuni suplimentare.

Acest sondaj face parte din baza de date de cercetare pentru ONG-ul P.A.S.T.S, care se concentrează pe conștientizarea traumelor sexuale la bărbați, femei și persoane non-binare. Experiențele ar putea varia de la catcalling, la hărțuire, la abuz asupra copiilor sau forme mai avide de agresiune.

Acest sondaj este anonim. Toate rezultatele vor fi colectate și utilizate în cercetare pentru a oferi dovezi suplimentare despre cât de răspândită este agresiunea sexuală, cu scopul de a răspândi conștientizarea semnificației sale.

PASTS Online Survey German Version

T.W. - Discussion on topics regarding sensitive matters, such as sexual assault, harassment, and further mentions. 


This survey is part of the research database for the NGO,  P.A.S.T.S,  which focuses on awareness of sexual trauma in men, women, and non-binary folk. The experiences could range from catcalling, to harassment, to child abuse, or more avid forms of assault. 


This survey is anonymous. All results will be collected and utilised in the research to provide further evidence of how prevalent sexual assault is, aiming at spreading awareness of its significance. 

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